I'll repeat what others are telling you. Please, slow it down! Your emotional temperature right now is way too high to make a rational decision. "Just cut it out!" is a natural reaction, and we've all been through it. As time goes by, and you do your research, you may come to a different judgment (or you may come back to it).
Perhaps you don't understand just how much time you have to reach a decision. Men who delay treatment for 12 months or more had no worse outcomes than men who reacted immediately:
/pcnrv.blogspot.com/2016/08/treatment-delay-in-primary-radiation.htmlThat should give you plenty of time to investigate in-state and out-of-state options. With his "favorable intermediate risk" PC, he has lots of good options. Surgery, SBRT and both kinds of brachytherapy all have about
the same (90+%) cure rates. You can use a nomogram to see the probability that surgery will be curative:
/www.mskcc.org/nomograms/prostate/pre_opIf you decide to go with surgery, and the surgeon has to cut wide, it may mean that neurovascular bundle(s) cannot be spared. That will impair his continence and erectile function recovery. I think that in his case, having a pathologist standing by to look at frozen sections during the operation is particularly important.