ANB said...
For at least two years prior to diagnosis I was tired.
You've said something here that really hit home to me. During the
two years between my first and second biopsy, I was a physical and emotional mess. Irritability, emotional volatility and lability, despondency, and weepiness. I knew something was wrong but was unable to get medical help.
I had later asked here (on HW) if anyone else had noticed emotional changes before their diagnoses and no one said they had experienced anything like that. Turns out I was depressed. I now believe that if *anything* out of all the stuff that went wrong had gone otherwise that I probably would have been okay.
ANB said...
I didn't realize just how fogged out my brain was on ADT. BAT didn't "give" me energy; it put me back in a state more akin to where I was before this mess started. I didn't feel "great"; I felt normal.
That must be wonderful. What I'd give to just feel "normal" again. It's great that you were able to pursue this option. Good luck to you going forward.