clocknet said...
The cardiologist sees no connection with the vaccine, but as Jethro Gibbs likes to say, there's no such thing as coincidence.
Reminds me of this Seinfeld scene about
big coincidences: and I going for 2nd Pfizer tomorrow. After first one, wife was ok except feeling kinda blah for a few days. I ran a 100degree for the day after, and chills, then just achy for a few days. Also, I had gone off all my OTC pain relievers and fluticasone for a few days before the first shot, continuing, and will do so for two weeks after tomorrow's shot. It's been a little uncomfortable, as I like the pills for weight-lifting pain and the nasal sprays keep allergies under control. Am pretty allergic and even had sinus surgery years ago. Have an epipen to take tomorrow (again), but hope it's unneeded. But if I never post again, you'll know why (ha ha).
As to what's different? We've really tried staying away from just about
everything, and do our groceries at midnight at a 24 hr super, once every two weeks only. Have not traveled, but have some executor duties out of state coming up, so we do plan to do those--will require a few trips. Just has to be done. We did come across some N95s during one of the lulls in cases and they were being pushed to the public. So will use those well.
No restaurants for a year now. Really miss Mexican food. May try getting some take-out in a few weeks. Have thought about
going back to Y, esp. beloved classes, but just read articles on how that might be especially problematic! So just not sure what to do in that regard. Never doing group stuff again would be quite depressing. Not getting good aerobic right now, but biking will start up again with better weather. I guess two weeks after tomorrow, we will be as "covid-good to go" as we are going to get, barring more variant boosters to come. But still feeling our way through how to live life.
We are both so fortunate, but this is not the retirement we envisioned. What do u think the world's covid future will look like? Seems like all pandemics have eventually died out in the past. Could this one be different, and just keep mutating faster than specialty vaccines can be made, keeping the world in medium-grade turmoil forever? With the handful of mutant strains already out there now, I do wonder if that will be our future. Not a bad pandemic forever, but something worse than seasonal flu has been?