theswan said...
Wow! Thanks JNF, So my doctor was misinformed as he said my lack of an MRI could be an issue.
Also, I wonder why such a large university attached hospital like Columbia/Presy does not do HDR? Brachy is actually my RO's specialty so it surprised me-guess he just does the LDR type.
Glen, I'm glad you are following thru and at least checking out the added option. Don't forget to check out SBRT if you are so inclined. An educated patient is what you want to be.
I'm not surprised that your doc or his hospital didn't provide the other options. We have heard that many, many times on this site. Radiation has become very specialized and it's not unusual for someone who does one procedure to not be competent with another. Most of these RO's know EBRT since that's the base case. But they have branched out into the other options, e.g. LDR Brachy, HDR Brachy and SBRT and rarely does one doc provide access to all.