Michigan here, cannabis is legal for both medicinal and recreational. I have a few thoughts/comments that may be pertinent.
While there are many cannabis retail outlets and medicinal suppliers here, I prefer to grow my own as I am then assured of the quality. Through use of a tightly controlled cabinet environment with filtered air intakes for growing I prevent the need for pesticides and herbicides. By using RO water and carefully titrated organic nutrients, carefully checking pH, temperature and water levels I prevent mold and nutrition issues. I use an enclosed screen-bottomed drawer cabinet for drying, also with a filtered air intake to prevent contamination. The end result is extremely clean, dry, organic bud that I consume unadulterated with a Pax 3 vaporizer. The Pax holds about
.3 gram and heats to between 400*F - 420*F. I do not smoke cannabis or anything else as inhaling smoke is just bad for you.
I have been on Firmagon, Lupron, Eligard and Xtandi off and on for almost 9 years now. I have also had a total of 176 Gy of radiation to my pelvic and groin area, most recently finishing 106 Gy this past March. Those chemotherapy drugs and the radiation have given me some very entertaining side effects. One of the worst IMHO is a general 'blah' feeling in my belly and guts and some pretty serious nausea attacks. I primarily use cannabis for a quick intervention for nausea. When a nausea attack comes on I can fill the Pax and take a few hits within minutes. Cannabis is a very effective anti-emetic and is very quick to act when inhaled. Within minutes the nausea fades and I am able to continue with my day OK. I very rarely need more than a couple of inhalations from the Pax. I do not like to be "stoned" or "drunk", but vomiting is against my religious principles. (that is a joke, but I really do hate vomiting)
I usually have a couple of nausea attacks a week so cannabis has been quite handy for handling those. I originally started growing it for my wife who got vomity migraine headaches. As her headaches would go on for several days of vomiting and dry heaves, cannabis allowed her to be able to choke down some Tylenol and keep it down long enough to be effective in curbing the headache. She asked me to keep some cannabis around for her for this purpose. She detests inhaling it and hates getting "high", but a couple of hits and she is able to keep the pain pills down.
EDIT: I do NOT recommend the use of retail vaporizer 'CBD oils as there is no uniform quality standard, many of those contain unnecessary and sometimes/often hazardous additives and what you get is generally not what is advertised. The vapes & oils were originally developed by the tobacco industry and are meant to have the look and feel of smoking a cigarette. Vaping pure bud does not result in exhaling a huge cloud of simulated smoke like the commercial vapes.
My thoughts on this topic.