Well, funny you should mention it George...... fresh off the presses.......
I had a little problem this morning with the Foley. It had been giving me a problem since it was put in place during the operation, but nothing serious and certainly nothing bad enough to be overly concerned with. But this morning was different. I could readily see that: 1) there was extra tubing exposed (some of the catheter had come out) and 2) the bag was not filling up with the same amount of urine. That was about 9:30AM when I recorded approx 280 cc's of unrine being emptied. But by the time 12:30 came rolling around, the bag had very little urine and I could feel pressure building within my bladder. I could forsee a problem and mentioned it to my sister and my buddy who is staying with me post-surgery. At about 1:30, after having a small bite to eat for lunch, I went to the toilet to pass some gas and when I applied a little pressure to the relieve the gas, I could detect some urine coming from my penis, not emptying into the catheter. I called the doctor, got a taped answering device at his office. By 2PM, I didn't hear anything back from his office, I decided to take matters into my own hands and headed bacl the Jackson emergency room. And thank goodness I did that when I did. By the time my son got me to the emergency, I got checked in, they got my vital info and rolled me into the ER treatment area, I could REALLY feel the pressure building on my bladder. Something was obviously and seriously wrong with the Foley. When the doctor OK's the removal of the Foley, I was starting the beginning of what could be termed pain. The nurse, after I pestered her, brought over the Foley removal equipment, shot some saline back into my penis and began removing the Foley. At first it wouldn't give, so she shot more saline into the backflow (presumably to loosen up clotted blood). Another tug and she began to come out..... when the baloon part of the catheter hit a sensitive part of the passage, I gave a yelp and before I could feel any real substansial pain, the catheter had been totally removed. We had a little gush of unrine, but basically, the plumbing appeared to be clogged!!! We cleaned up the spillage and I asked the nurse to give me a urinal and help me stand up. Lo and behold, when I stood up, I felt a little pinch from within my penis and whoosh...... she let loose! 350 cc's later the flow stopped. The ER Doc came around and was frankly surprised that, after only 3.5 days from the surgery I had continence!!!! Let me tell you guys something, I'd have lied like a dog to keep them from reinserting that Foley again, but the Doc said that if I could go on kew again, I was "off the hook" so to speak. I asked the nurse for some water.... drank it, and sure enough about 30 minutes later I needed to go the toilet. I took another unrinal, and on kew again I peed!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am free of the Foley folks!!!!!!!!
Now as the subject at hand..... when I feel the urge to go, I just go.... I don't mess around, I just lean over the toilet and let 'er rip..... I get a mixed flow, I have a few little clots of blood and feel a teeny pinch at the beginning, but I CAN PEE!!!! Based on my experience, I wouldn't think that a little blood in the urine to be any big deal. Considering what we all just went through, the trauma on our system... I should think that if a little blood didn't come out THAT would be weird!
I'll write more under my other thread, but I wanted to take care of this question of the blood in the urine since the memory of today's events are fresh in my mind.
Oh, one more thing..... my ex-wife came over.... I hadn't seen her in over 5 years. It was such a nice gesture. But we watched some old vidoes of us and the kids with my sis and friend. One video of the kids when they were babies had everyone laughing pretty hard. And wouldn't you know, I had a wet little surprise in my sleeping pants.... gonna have to watch out for that.
I am so grateful to be rid of that darn thing!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, love you guys......... more later. i still haven't written about my surgery yet.... that's gonna take some time!