Hello all. I am new to the forum. I think I just needed a place to think out loud.
My father in law has been battling prostate cancer for 10 years. He had cryosurgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy and the typical treatments. I think he is finally nearing the end of his battle. There has been metastisis to his lumbar spine and ribs. His PSA is now over 1500.
My husbands family doesn't talk about the disease! They act as if ignoring it will make it go away. I just assume everyone handles things in there own way so I don't want to say anything. Is there anything I can do or say to help during this time? I feel so helpless.
I was wondering, too, if someone could give me an idea of time. With a PSA of over 1500 I would assume that he doesn't have alot of time left. I can't find any information on survival rates or duration. I want to prepare my children for the worst but I don't want to panic them either. I don't know if he has a month, a year, two? I thank God that prostate cancer has a slow progression and that he has had many, happy years of life even with the cancer.
God bless you all.