Good morning Trey and Dave,
I know how eager you are to be done with your treatments. It wears on you after a while, doesn't it? I am so relieved that I no longer have to do all that stuff. The drive, the water discipline, the balloon, and all the other stuff. On my last day, I told the folks at 'my' Starbucks that they would no longer see me and what I had been doing. They were dumbstruck because I looked so normal and so healthy.
Trey, if I can help with the smoking, I'd be glad to do so. I quit 10 years ago after almost 39 years of heavy smoking. It's incredibly challenging, but worth it in spades. I wouldn't smoke a cigarette now for anything. My quality of life is so much better. You can do it if you really want to. If I can do it, anyone can do it.
You guys keep your spirits up,