Mike's Wife said...
I was doing a search and just thought I'd bump this to the top for anyone else who was wondering the same thing. I often feel the bias here towards surgery. I'll probably become one of those who disappears from this forum, becoming one less to provide information on experience with brachytherapy. This will happen for two reasons: I'm tired of defending my husband's choice (a choice which we both feel strongly was the right one), and secondly, my husband is having absolutely no physical issues from the seeds, so I have no overriding personal reason to be here other than to lend an ear or a shoulder to others. Normally that would be enough, but the negativity that comes across regarding what I feel is an often better option than surgery - and towards our personal choice - just isn't worth it.
My best to all of you as you continue on the road toward full recovery.
Mike’s Wife,
I wish you to at lest stay around and read some of the Journeys here. Counting myself there are as lest three that I know of that had radiation treatment at there primary treatment, Justjudy, PCDave , and now me N1BRP. My age, PSA, and biopsy report is so close to you husbands it would be good for both of us to compare our treatment results.