Hello All.
After receiving the results of all of my scans, (Bone, CT, transrectal MRI, octreoscan) it was determined that my cancer (a pure neuroendocrine carcinoid) was confined to the prostate and as I had found a few articles that indicated that neuroendocrine cells are resistant to radiation, surgery was my choice.
I had laproscopic radical prostatectomy this past Tuesday 6/19 and was home by Thursday night.
The #1 good news is that the surgeon told my wife that a preliminary pathology work-up was clear. I should receive the official and more comprehensive report next week. (Hopefully with the same result).
My initial questions for you veterans are these:
1. I read a great deal about incontinence after surgery, but this is after the catheter is gone. Have any of you experienced the same type of incontinence with your catheter? I experience leaking, especially in the morning when sitting or walking a lot ( as I was instructed to do). Sitting in my recliner or in bed, there is no issue. I have been home now for three days. Could I be over doing it?
2. I feel very good and am wondering what limits I should put on myself with respect to walking. My follow-up visit is for next Friday so I still have almost a week to live with this catheter (minimum). I don't want to do anything to make that longer.
3. The worse pain that I have is my throat from the breathing tube. I have been sucking on Cepacol losengers (sp?) and garglling warm salt water. Does anyone have better suggestions? I know that if this is one of my worse problems, I am in good shape but it is still aggravating.
All in all I feel everything went very well. Just waiing for that official report.