Just a few things to add to TC's post: I was up and walking by 7:00 the evening after my 8:00 a.m. surgery. I don't remember anything from pre-surgery to about
2:00 p.m. I got out the next day, and have to admit that while I was glad to be home in my own recliner, I was still hurting a bit and took the only pain pill I took the whole time.
Some helpful hints for post surgery: Have some loose sweat pants to wear with the leg bag. I bought some with a leg zipper, and they worked well. Also, have some baby wipes, to help clean around where the catheder goes in. I had a chair in my bathroom that I moved by the toilet, which worked well in bag emptying and changing. My shower had an inside rack to hang the big bag while showering. My wife had a walker, which she isn't presently using, to hang the big bag when I went to bed. Also, you need some ammonia to rince out the bags. I have a nice large counter in my master bath, which looked like a chem lab for awhile. Once you get used to the cathedar, it's more of an annoyance, than a pain. The only thing that I was short of, were these special strips to hold the cathedar on my upper thigh. Since I took a shower every day, they wore out after two days and I only got two spares from the hospital.
Good luck, and before you know it, you'll be back normal - a different person, but back to as normal as you can be.