Hi Maria Teresa: It's a bit of both. Sometimes you know it's coming and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you can stop it and sometimes you can't. That's why it is such a pain in the neck. Like Wamba said, the sneeze, the unexpected cough, a false move of some kind.....and the floodgates can
open. But, as time went by and I continued to sneeze, cough and make those false moves from time-to-time, I regained control. I wore pads through week six, as a precaution.
And the kegels are important.
It gets better with time. Very few guys have big problems after a few weeks out of surgery, although for many of us, there will be unexpected little drips for the rest of our lives. But most of us had those before surgery anyway. Right fellas?
Here's an expression I saw scrawled above a urinal at the City College of New York many years ago:
"No matter how much you shake and dance, the last drop always lands in your pants!"
Nothing new under the sun.
Best to ya! Keep on smilin',