Bootheel said...
Thanks Barry for the warm welcome. I read your reply to Chas036 about removal of one nerve bundle during surgery and ED probability. My diagnoses is similar to yours. Did you have perineural invasion as part of the diagnosis. I just assumed that it meant removal of that nerve bundle during surgery.
Hi Bootheel,
My pre-surgery biopsy did not indicate perineural invasion. My post-surgery pathology indicated that the tumor was contained in the prostate. I was fortunate to find that the tumor post-surgery was smaller than expected from the pre-surgery biopsy results.
Typically, doctors would like you to have surgery within four months of diagnosis when there is a chance of taking the tumor self-contained. Considering how long it may take to get surgery set up with the hospital, and following the 6-8 week required delay after biopsy, your doctor may be considering "right away" to be inside this four month period.
Do you have a second opinion in mind?
Kind regards,