Good morning to all,
I need to see if anyone else has experienced this. Over the past few days I have had pain in my left heal. Like a stone bruise. I hurts the worst in the morning after a good nights sleep. Also after riding in the car for soom time. I will discuss with my Oncologist in 11 days but just wanted to know if any of you with bone mets have had this.
Well that was the question and now the rant!
We just found out that our insurance plan will change Jan.1. The insurance provider is not doing this, it is the health care provider/employer. They said that the "premium" plan was too expensive, so they are dropping it. Now all doctors must be "in plan" and use the providers facilities. This means that if I don't want to pay a $4K yearly deductable, $40 co-pays, and 20% of the cost for HT, Zometa infusions, CT & Bone scans, etc. that I must change ALL my doctors and the Cancer Center that I go to. What about continuation of care? Doctor/Patient relationships? Future care programs such as chemo trials? I guess the all mighty dollar determines care today and the patient is last on the list.
I feel better now! I had to get that off my chest. Maybe God has a plan for me to meet some new doctors and look at some different options. I am praying that this is HIS will and the company is HIS servant. Time will tell.
I love you all and still fighting the war.
WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!