Most of the reading I have done on role of prostate, most all publication say the main thing prostate does is to provide lubricant for sperm. So no one says it also controls bladder.
So I just do not understand why removing the prostate cases incontenence.
I like to hear from friends on this matter.
My thoughts; the only expalnation I can think of is, the muscles around the prostate perhaps presses against the prostate and is provides contenent.
Now that the prostate is removed there is a space between the muscle and until some tissue growth fill the gap there will be incontenance.
I also read that a doctotor in the east cost offers a new procedure that while they perform Devinchi Robatic, he re-arranges some of the muscles that within a short time 4-12 weeks continance is gained based on 49/50 patitents. Any one elase has read about this?
When I asked my Dr. he Said with or without the new DR./east cost procedure the contenence is achived about 4-12 weeks after surgery.