Hi All - I have been looking online for an answer to my question without any success. Thought someone here may know the answer - it would save me much time and be so appreciated......
I was diagnosed with CD in 2006 and been on a gluten free diet since then - although, I would say there has been a goof up approximately 1-2x's/year (usually from putting too much faith in restaurant staff). My doctor recently tested my anti-transglutaminase IgA and it is still at 11. The legend on the lab work says <7 is negative, 7-10 is weak positive and >10 is positive. So obviously, I am still getting gluten. Is 11 low enough that it could just be due to my"goof ups" or would it be so high that it indicates that I am getting gluten more often (in which case, I would have no idea where it is coming from and I will have to make some major adjustments to my diet to figure it out). My doctor couldn't tell me how significant a level of 11 is. Think 11 would cause major symptoms? Thanks for your time!!