Just recently I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and found this site.
The reason I am here is because last year my 11 yr old DD was diagnosed with celiac. And it has been very tough for her. I have been researching and reading through the internet and now this forum. The day we found out I went all crazy and got everthing new pots, spoons, toaster..... and hardly eat out.
There is one question I have that I can't seem to find an answer for (more of a curiosity).
Everyday I ask her how she is feeling give me a range from 1-10 and she always says 4-5. She also says that she is use to it. They did tell me that it will take time to heal but how long? As a more I cannot bare watching her in pain.
Is there relief or will she always have this pain? I don't want the pain to cause emotional mental issues.
I just don't want her to be going through this as i can understand what its like to be in pain all the time.