I was diagnosed with Thyroid problems about
24 years ago, then about
10 years ago, Hashimotos. Then 8 years ago I was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. Now I have been diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia.
I started gaining weight for no apparant reason, I was fatigued, very dry skin, hair falling out, cold, and no energy, whole body was aching and was painful. When I got out bed in the morning or even after a nap it wasnt more than an hour and I felt like I had been up the whole night and had to lay down and sleep again.
Before that I had some energy to at least swim. I am supposed to do that for the Multiple Sclerosis.
I wondered if there was anyone here who has had problems with their Hashimotos and then developed reactive hypoglycemia?
Its been a mystery and Dr says Im pre-diabetic, but I dont have diabetic symptoms. Now after the 2 hour Glucose Tolerance Test says I am reactive hypoglycemia with impaird Glucose tolerance. Dont know what to eat, when or how much to eat.
Thyroid was basicially Hypo but changes to Hyper back and forth.
Any one who has had similar problems please let me know how you handled them. Any help is appreciated.