Hi Fauns
Somebody said...
Still had goiter and general ick, very tired, hair falling out, even though my levels were mostly in range.
Just falling within normal range is frequently not enough, you can still be in range and over or under medicated, do you have your TSH values when on Synthroid? what was your dose?
As far as I know both synthroid and Armour have the same effect on goiter, do you know whether you have nodules on your thyroid gland?Starting Levo shrinks them in third of the cases only, in an another third they remain the same size and in the last third they grow and thus need to be treated through a surgery, this is why you need to perform a thyroid and neck Ultra Sound and to follow up with an Endocrinologist.
NDT like Armour and Erfa is what was prescribed before synthesizing T4 in the laboratory, it contains both T3 and T4 but much more T3 than what we humans need, also it is not approved by the American FDA, it is generic in addition to all of that, as I recall Erfa is available only since 2012.
If you have more FT3 in your blood does not mean necessarily feeling better and having more energy, the optimal TSH you need is around 2.5, being with too many FT3/4 has many bad effects on your health, it affects among other things your heart, bones, brain and much more, this also hold in case your TSH is suppressed and even if your FREE T3/4 are normal.
I gave general directions as to where to go, and you need to follow your Endo instructions and to work with her.
Best of luck,