jackinthebox said...
Good to hear from you both. The sore throat type symptoms freak me out because I feel like it might be some kind of allergy. I'll try to be more patient: I plan on working on diet/gluten/dairy etc to see what I can do naturally.
Here are the ranges for my antibodies:
TGO: < or = 1 IU/mL NL1
TPO: 25 H RANGE: <9 IU/mL
TSI <89 RANGE: <140 % baseline
Your TPO, like it says, is high. Which means you have autoimune Hashimoto as the reason for your low functioning thyroid. TSI looks fine, no Graves disease.
The latest greatest diet for hashimoto is zero milk products and no gluten. I drink almond milk and live without other animal milk products. I miss cheese. Oh well. I use vegan fake cheese on my home made healthy tacos.
This diet normalized my TPO antibody for almost one year. Now its tetertotering on the boarder. Diet never helped my high TGab (TGO), its still way high.
If your hashimoto is fairly new onset, there is a better chance this diet will help. - and eradicating the lyme should help the autoimmune condition too.