I'm new, and have Hashimoto's. I've been aware of its existence in my body since last October. I won't re-iterate the list of all my symptoms, but I'm having a heck of a time with them. I'm so tired. So very very very tired. LOL More than anything, I wish I could swallow. There's a chance I have other auto-immune conditions as well, but I haven't even begun to find out what. I have my suspicions, though. Sjogrens seems likely.
My big worry? I'm close to losing my job. I have one more month of FMLA leave, and then my benefits and my job are gone. I can't work...I'm a professional truck driver and I can't pass my medical certification. Can anyone please tell me what they did when they lost their job due to illness? What did you do if you couldn't do the job you were trained for? I don't know if I can get unemployment or social security with this condition. I'd get the COBRA benefits, but I'm not going to be able to afford the premium. I'm lucky in that I don't own a house or a car, and my bills are pretty small without the medical bills figured in, but it's pretty much just me versus world as far as taking care of myself.
I need practical advice if you all have any. I think I can handle making sure my care is up to par as long as I can figure out how to maintain my medical and general bills, and pay for food. Please toss your hat in the advice ring if you have one, and thank you in advance for any and all help.
Oh, and if you happen to have any winning lottery numbers, lay them on me...I'll split it with ya. ROFL