I'm first instinct is to run around like a maniac screaming NONONONONONONONONONONONONONO. It isn't a easy as the doctor's say. You just don't then take a little pill the rest of your life and feel ok. Not everyone goes along their perfect course of treatment plan. Some people do. I didn't. I had Hashimoto diagnoised for 15 yrs. I was told my nodules were growing new friends and had a large blood supply that could feed a tumor..... Thyroid cancer is a slow growing cancer. I wish I HADN"T had mine removed because of what if.
I have not been able to regulate my body to correctly absorb the meds. I havn't worked in 6 months and feel exhausted all the time. Please ask lots and lots of questions. Talk to others that have had the surgery and others that have chosen to wait.
Mine was completely removed. I never knew how important the thyroid was. I'm not telling you my story to scare you or tell you not to have it out. Just do your research!