I am new to this forum, I usually hang out on the IBD forums because my daughter has
Crohn's disease. However I have Hashimoto's and have started reading the comments here and
would like to share some of the things that I have discovered.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's several years ago and have been to several doctors and naturopaths.
It has been difficult to find a correct dosage of thyroid meds because my labs fluctuate wildly and
not one of the doctors treats this disease the same way. So I have been doing my own research and
wanted to give you some sources if you are also in search of some better answers.
I have just finished reading Hope for Hashimoto's by Alexander Haskell, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid
Symptoms? When My Lab Tests are Normal by Datis Kharrazian and am in the middle of Solved: The
Riddle of Illness by Stephen Langer. These books focus on the autoimmune aspect of Hashimoto's
and provide so much helpful information. They all discuss the connection between gluten sensitivity
and Hashi's and also discuss the causes and why traditional hypothyroid treatment doesn't often
alleviate symptoms for Hashi's.
My favorite of the three books is Hope for Hashimoto's. It is kind of expensive but you can get a lot
of information without buying the book by going to his website : http://hopeforhashimotos.com/
He has a video series that is an excellent source of information about Hashimoto's. Datis
Kharrazian also has a web site: http://www.thyroidbook.com/ with good information but in
his book he gives you a lot of information but when he talks about helpful suppplements he doesn't
give any dosages but tells you to consult with a practitioner. The problem is finding a practitioner
who believes this treatment is helpful and is really informed about this disease. I do believe so
much of what they have written because as I'm reading, I will go "That's right! That is just what
I'm going through."
I saw a post about hypoglycemia and hypothyroidism and see a chapter in Langer's book: Medical
Look-alikes: Hypoglycemia and Hypothyroidism but I haven't read that chapter yet. He wrote this
book in 2000 and updated it in 2006 to include information about Hashimoto's. He has a lot of
information describing how hypothyroidism affects or contributes to so many other health
problems such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, fibromyalgia, etc.
Sorry if this information has already been discussed. I did a search but didn't see any references.
I hope it can help someone out there. I know I've been having a heck of a time trying to get
this disease under control. Good luck.