Sorry I forgot to add (in reply to the other posts):
When I first started taking them, they took a while to “get into my system”. I started to notice a difference after a week or two but it took three months to really get into my body and settle into a routine.
Again, I can only suggest getting the best brand you can. When I say best brand, I mean on the advice of an independent naturopath or independent health professional, not on the advice of staff at the local health food / vitamin shop. Many of these staff work on commissions to flog a certain product, so you may not be getting the best brand or the best advice available.
In the past, when I have brought vitamins on advice on the shop staff, I have often ended up with an inferior brand.
I obviously don’t know your backgrounds, so I don’t want to assume anything but I am just wondering if the brand had something to do with it.
From my understanding, I believe the amount of organisms in each capsule is of the upmost importance. The one I take contains 20 billion.
For Australians, I highly recommend the brand Metagenics, which is available as a practitioner only range in tablet or powder form. I have tried a couple of brands and found this one to be excellent.