Posted 1/3/2008 1:59 AM (GMT 0)
Hi everyone. I'm a male, late thirties, east coast US, diagnosed with moderate pan-UC at the end of 07 after several months of worsening symptoms including diarrhea, blood, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, and as many as 6-7 BMs/day. Colonoscopy and biopsy were unambiguous. Right now I'm on Asacol (4 x 3) and Colocort, and they seem to be turning the tide. No blood, no diarrhea, down to 2-3 solid BM/day, and I'm putting on weight. But I know I'm in this for the long haul. It's not a nice disease, but I'm trying to stay positive. There are worse things out there.
I had an episode of UP in my early twenties that involved several years of flaring and remission. Treated with Rowassa and Pentassa, then generally healthy for about 15 years. No drugs during that time. Except I always seemed to have some excess mucous, gas, and (sorry) noxious bathroom odors. I assumed that this was just the "new normal" for me, but now I think it's clear I was in fact mildly symptomatic throughout this period.
Last fall I had what I think was my first real UC flare. No blood or change in bathroom habits, but cramping, night sweats, and a change in the amount of gas I produce (when I'm flaring, I have very little flatulence). That seems to have remitted without treatment at about this time last year, until the problems started again back in September, which progressed to more severe symptoms, the colonoscopy, and the UC diagnosis.
For me, the diagnosis comes as almost a relief. I have no illusions about the challenges and complications UC presents, but as I said, there are worse things out there. The positive posts on this forum help a lot, and I'd like to think the more I can educate myself, especially including the experiential knowledge of the community here, the better off I'll be. Bottom line is that I'm at a great place in my life, with a great marriage, stable and fulfilling career, home, hobbies, etc. I don't see UC taking any of that away, and the rest I *think* I can deal with. Hope that's not false bravado, but it's where I'm at.