I posted on another thread not too long ago about
Imuran too. I dont get here that often these days.
Anyway, I have U/C (Pancolitis) and have since the age of 10. I had a nine year remission, but couldnt get 2 years in a row after that. I had a scope every year pretty much, and although I never have had polyps, I didnt usually get great news.
I was soooo sick a few years back. I was hospitalized with prednisone and was on 70 mg for a long time. Once I would get to about 40 mg, I would start bleeding heavily, throwing up, and would run a fever. I was crying all of the time like a nut since prednisone is the spawn of the devil for me.
My Gastro basically said is was Imuran time or surgery. It made Imuran sound SOOOO scary.
From day 1, I had no side effects, and went into a remission a few months later. I havent had bleeding even once since then, and that in itself is amazing. I used to have blood more than not, and had to stay on Iron pills just to stay awake during the daytime.
I had my last scope about 2 years ago...Im due soon, and I got my best results ever. I had no inflamtion and things looked pink instead of red. I know this drug doesnt work for all, and the side effects can be killer for some as well, but I just ask myself "WHy didnt I try this sooner??????????????????????????????".
I can drink milk now, but this runs in the family. Oherwise, I am healthier than most of my friends who havent had diseases almost all of their lives.