Hi everybody, I have finally plucked up the courage to join you! I have been reading postings on this forum for the past year since I was diagnosed and have found the information and support you all give to each other inspiring.
As I said I was diagnosed in March 2007 when I was in hospital after a colonoscopy and off work for nine weeks and have not really come out of the flare. I have had so many medications in that time that I am really fed up, nothing seems to be working.
I am off work at the moment as I have been put on 60mg Prednisolone and they are making me feel really weird. I am also taking 175mg Azathioprine. I am an primary school teacher, teaching 4 & 5 year olds which I love, I have a very supportive headteacher and colleagues who know about my condition and at the moment I am being allowed to get to work 'when I can' which is usually late and I hate it. I do not really know what is going to happen next but have a visit to my consultant at the hospital on Friday. Sorry my first posting was so long but thanks for listening.