mbx5 said...
its like the brain has a T1 line to the pooper, and the signals run in both directions!
Yes, maybe it is this "Vagus Nerve"
Thanks for posting this thread. No doubt current theories are overly simplistic. The whole history of "Psychosomatic Medicine" is suspect, and mostly, nonsense, as it is destined to be when starting from a Cartesian subject vs object dichotomy. With that as a backdrop, we are practically considered ghosts in a machine, "I think, therefore I am," and then we have the world of objects. Then we wonder why we can't explain how the "ghost" interacts with this "machine." Well, the reason why is because we started out with it as our premise.
If anyone is interested also, you may want to check out the link between Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (considered an anxiety disorder) and Strep Throat, there is some syndrome called PANDAS that has to do with kids getting OCD from strep throat.
I had strep throat way too many times as a kid, and therefore also probably way too many antibiotics.
This is the reason I don't understand why they don't do more case studies with us UC folks. Take a medical autobiography from us for research purposes, heck even a simple survey. I can tell you when I had anxiety, what kinds, when I first started getting strange symptoms etc.