Just remember, nothing is as important as your health. Every day when I go to work, I remind myself of that. There is nothing so important that I can't walk away from it for a couple of minutes. There is nothing so important that if I am stuck in the restroom can't wait a minute, and there is nothing so important that I will jepordize my health.
After I tell myself that a couple of times, I am calm and a little less stressed. I don't know if the people at work know about your condition, but everyone at my work knows. My boss' son has Chrons, so there is a little bit of understanding there. They all know if I am late, there is a good reason, and if I can't be found, probably in the restroom. I do my work, go home and forget about it. I never take my work home, and I try not to care if things don't turn out the way I would like them too. I look at my job as a job, not my life. It is a means of making money and keeping my insurance. This is especially great it you aren't in love with your job. It took me a long time to get to this point, but it really helps with the stress.
I hope you feel better soon, and I will be thinking of you.