Yes, in your situation it does seem like Rowasa is more important. If you want to cite the D. Present info. re Cortifoam to your GI, it should still be available in transcript
form on from the archived panel discussion "Spotlight on IBD-- achieving optimum management of UC" or something close to that-- I can't swear to the exact title. I notice that a member with Crohn's colitis (pb4)frequently endorses my comments about
Cortifoam's help with rectal inflammation. One can use it for up to 3 weeks w/o worry about
systemic effects so I don't know why more GIs haven't caught on to it! It comes in a small, neat package & is very easy to use + the patient does not have to lie on left-side after instilling it. Phew! I feel myself getting angry that better info. re treatment options is not more easily available to us all. (Vent, vent ... ) / Old Hat (nearly 30 yrs with left-sided UC; currently on 6 Colazal daily for July flare in descending colon; should be back in remission again soon)
[P.S. That entire MedicalCrossfire panel discussion on UC is chock full of interesting info. if you have time to read it thru &/or can print out a copy to read/transport.]