It's crazy but I'm feeling really optimistic! Sure, I was bleeding like crazy this morning but I spoke with my doctor and we have a plan for the near future. Maybe there's a placebo effect just from talking to her and hearing some comforting words, because I am feeling really great tonight. In fact, I can't sleep I'm so revved up. It's such a thrill to have some energy that I have to stay awake and enjoy it for just a little while.
Anyway, I invite anyone who's in the mood to hop on the optimism train.
I don't expect to be miraculously better tomorrow; I'm just aiming for a smidge better every day. Or even every other day. I've healed before so I know it's possible. Sometimes it's helpful to remind myself of that. It's also helpful to remember all the people who have posted here who have attained remission for long stretches of time. It just takes some of us longer to get to that point but I know it's possible.
So for anyone else who needs a little hope, I'm posting some of my extra.