I was diagnosised in 86 but with no period of relief for me, I had my colon removed in 91. I was so happy after the surgery... no more pain, no more running to the bathroom and sometimes not making it. After surgery I have had several blockages sending me to the emergency room but overall I had been happy (a bit low on Iron) and very active (even traveled around the world.) In 2006 I ended in bed and going to the bathroom every hour, not even having a decent nights sleep. My pouch and connecting small intestines are flarred, inflammation, ulcers, bleeding. The M.D.s think it is because the small intestine was not equipped to deal with stool as the large colon was designed to do and after 15-20 yrs some get these flare ups. I have to put my 'regular' life on hold to deal with this now. Antibiotics have not worked, anti - inflammations drugs have not worked. Now what!!!
When i had the operation I spoke to 4 M.D.s they all told me there was no choice. But there are choices, i know people who have their colon and did not go through the operaton. I know someone who has controlled their UC by practicing Macrobiotics way of life - food and life style.
I can not go back and if there is no choice then yes do surgery, but I agree the large colon is there for a reason and just because the M.D.s do not know all the functions it does not mean that it should be cut out. So I don't recommend surgery since there are lot of risks when you go under and there is no going back.