If you have a stricture, I wouldn't recommend psyllium--it adds bulk and can be irritating for some. I think fiber is best added when you are not in a severe condition, while cooking your food until it is very soft is a good idea. Smaller amounts for now seem best. Other sources of soluible fiber are pectin, FOS, inulin, and others that don't come to mind. Yogurt and cultured milk can be a good source of probiotics if you can handle the diary (plus the calcium helps the efficacy), just look for "live and active cultures" and if they list a variety of bacteria, this is the best in my opinion. I prefer avoiding standard sugar, but honey or a stevia sweetner is best, though it takes some getting use to. I have a hard time recommending any one specific probiotic and have tried many different types, though there is some good research on specific ones (VSL3, culturelle, florastor and others), it seems good to find one that seems like a quality product, take at least 30 billion colony forming units (CFU) a day, and try types with many different strains and/or species.
With a stricture, do you have crohn's or colitis?