I'm sorry I haven't been here lately that much.... I've been having on and off again marriage problems and right now it's on again.... When I went to Montana back in October, I wasn't really planning on coming back to CA, but hubby convinced me that I should and that he would get counseling with me...
Well, that lasted for about a month, then he quit going to counseling, now he's sleeping all the time after work and I know things are bothering him financially (he's made some bad real estate decisions lately) so I am sure he's depressed about it, but won't seek any help and I feel like I live TOTALLY ALONE...... Plus he doesn't do a THING around the house, except for sleeping and making a mess for me to clean up...
I am thinking about heading back to Montana, maybe for good, and it's a shame too because my Hay business was really starting to take off with this season. At least up there I was happier....