Okay so this weekend is the Grand Outlandish. For those who have no clue what I'm talking about
it is a SCA (Society for Creative Anacrinisim) event. The SCA is a medieval re-enactment organization that spans the globe. Well here in New Mexico (the Outlands as our region is called) we have our huge yearly event this weekend. Long and the short, it is camping. Granted SCA camping is stuff intensive. My tent alone is a 314 square foot yurt hehehehe (and a 10x10 storage tent) But it is an unimproved camp site, meaning no showers or running water, but it does have port-a-potties.
My new girlfriend is comming for the first few days to spend some time with me and see what all I'm into.
Now I'm not flaring (badly) I'm deffinatly on the road to remission and going the right direction too!
My biggest concern is my mornings where I go to the toilet at least 3 times (oddly enough if I can sleep past 8 am my bathroom trips are cut down to 1 or 2 if any) and gas.
Gas is my larger concern more for the embarassment factor, not so much for me but for her. I can hardly imagine what could go through her mind laying next to me and yeah... enough said right?
I experimented with gas-x last night and while I woke up with just a tiny bit of gas I didn't really experiance any gas before I fell asleep. What happend during my sleep I couldn't tell you.
I have no desire to dose up on imodium or anything like that because I usually pay for it the next day, but I'm concerned about frequent trips to the bathroom or wose just waking her up with my flatulence.
I've not heard any real words of caution against gas-x but does anyone else use it frequently? And by frequently I mean daily? The box says not to use more than 4 pills a day or something to that effect and I have no intention of doing that or using that many pills. Mainly just taking one an hour or so before bed.
Thoughts and advice is much appriciated.