Joesph said...
Hey Guys----I have had UC for 28 years.. I have been on steriods off and on and asacol and azulfidine. Since last sept when my wife was undergoing chemo for breast cancer my disease has been unstoppable. I'm scared. The doctor wants me to be on Remicade starting Feb 11th. I have lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks. He thinks it will be a good fit and by looking at your comments i have some hope... I'm also battling insominia for the last 3 weeks. Dont know if anybody has had 2 problems at the same time----. Still skeptical about all of this. I feel like I should start a show titled "life is a pain in the rear "...
Azulfide 500mg
Nexium 40mg
Sleep time tea
I agree with Dr. A, is there any money back guarantee is the acupuncture doesn’t work. Also, what is meant by “ok” when you said, “I'm also seeing an (acupuncturist) that says I'll be ok in a couple of weeks with her”? To me this says, “I hope I’m saying the right thing to him so that he pays me money.”
When I seek things for an UC flare-up, the first question I ask is how, exactly, will this product of technique solve my problem. So how exactly does acupuncture help UC? What does acupuncture do to make the inflammation and ulcers go away? The immune system is causing the problem so how does acupuncture either stop the immune response, block the immune response or provide the immune response with something else to attack other than the colon tissue?
I would believe that there could be two ways and if I were selling the technique to you I would say:
1. The needles stimulate areas that act to redirect or turn off the immune response.
2. The technique relieves stress, much like a message, by allowing the patient much need time to lie still and comfortable and have someone else give attention to them.
I just made these up. What’s the real answer(s)?