I too have had right side pain for like 9 years! I have had all the tests, CT's, MRI's etc. and they have found NOTHING! But sometimes it hurts so bad I can't stand up. I'm most uncomfortable standing or walking. I'm not sure what it is that sets me off but I have kind of connected it with a flare or mild discomfort (not necessarily a full flare). It has nothing to do with ovulation or gas. I don't know what the heck it is but it gets so frustrating! Sometimes I feel like my doctor is just thinking "are you kidding me?" They offered to take out my appendix (because I agree, the pain radiates almost from my ribs in back to my right front and feels very muscular or something) and I didn't let them at the time because I didn't want to miss work and they weren't sure it would even help because my appendix was not actually inflammed. I also had/have kidney stones on the right side and it very much feelsl like that pain but all the urologists and xrays and CT's say it's not pain from those because they are still within my kidneys and not in the ureters. Go figure! Sometimes I feel crazy! Any advice we can come up with on this site is much appreciated here! Sorry Pooper Bowl Champ and the rest of you that I have not offered a solution but just a rant about the problem. :)