Just writing to give an update on my experiment with smoking.
I was diagnosed with UC a few months after quitting smoking. There had been several discussions on the issue and a few ex-smokers/nicotine users on this site and elsewhere had mentioned improvements in their symptoms after getting back to smoking.
After considerable thought I decided to give snus a try (chewing tobacco). After a month of using it I noticed no effect on my symptoms, and then went to the next step and started smoking again. I had previously smoked about 10 cigs a day. I did not see any improvement at all and eventually ended up smoking more than I had ever done before.
I smoked for about 4 months and had an extremely difficult time trying to quit again. However, I have finally managed to kick the habit and have been smoke-free for about 2 weeks now. My symptoms have not changed after stopping smoking.
Well, there's no way I'm going back to smoking again and I just wanted to write about my experience as I know there are other ex-smokers out there who have been wondering whether or not to try smoking again.