sore_guts said...
yes, I get this a lot, but at different times throughtout the day/night. Sometimes I go for several bad days with lots of these episodes then may go for days or even weeks without it. I cant quite figure out what exactly the cause is - meds, flare, dehydration, uc in general - I dont know because I cant quite figure out the pattern. I even had one day of vertigo last fall - primary Dr thought it was weather related.
I do notice though that if I get messed up with the meds missing several doses in a week then once back on track I notice the med dizziness again like when I first started on them.
I hope you figure it out. I quit taking my asacol (on day 5) and quit drinking sodas. I still feel it a bit but about
90% better. I notice you do enemas, what does this help. I am still new to this condition and have never tried an enema. I wonder if I should. Do you only do it during a flare?