So today, I was out with my boyfriend on a trip to his parents house. On the way home, roughly two miles from his parents house, it hit me. I had to go! Normally it wouldn't be a problem, because, well, in the city where I live, you can always find a bathroom (usually) however, we were an hour from the city, in the country. I managed to hold it in (!) until we got to a gas station just next to the expressway home. I jetted to the bathroom, almost pushing over a mother and her two sons, whom she was taking to the bathroom (sorry boys, I HAD to go) in which they ended up using the womens (hey, I REALLY had to go, and they were like 4!) Once I got into the bathroom, I was HORRIFIED! I think I've seen landfills cleaner than this bathroom! It was nasty. I thought about
saying **** it and heading home, and just soiling myself, but I knew that the 'hubby' would get pissed, and really festering in your own feces really isn't the best way to end your fun day in the country. So... I... used... the... toliet. (GAG!) Why do people feel that the need to neglect restrooms? On the way home, I started to tell my man about
it, (he gets upset sometimes and doesn't understand why they haven't managed to control this disease, and normally an episode like this, starts a fight, because he hates seeing me in pain and have to submit to this horrible conditions) and then I said, I wonder what establishments really have the CLEANIEST restrooms! I then decieded that I'd ask everyone to list where or what they thought. I thought orginally that it'd be cool if we could 'map out' the best places around, so that we all don't feel like we'd need to shower with a wire brush when we get home. I used to be a manager for McDonalds, and it was one of their top standards, was how clean the restrooms were. It was something that Ray Kroc was really fanatical about
So I leave it in our hands, and help fellow UC'ers find the BEST places, rather than the worst!