This isn't directly related to UC but causes my UC to get REALLY ticked off and I'm not looking forward to it.
I have my IV for my anemia today, the last 4 times I've gone I have had a weird reaction to the IV. I start getting stuffy instantly, I get flushed face and chest, I get hot and cold shivers and then my UC gets really ticked off and I have about 30 seconds warning before I better be in the bathroom, on the way I have to grab the trash can because it's so sudden and violent I end up getting sick at the same time . . .all of this is while dragging an IV pole along with me and trying not to pull it out. Last time they gave me something different before starting the iron that made me not get sick (I think IV tagament) but I still had that urgent violent dumping sensation. It's better when you aren't heaving over the trash can but still not a fun experience.
I know some would say "just stop doing it" but here's the thing. . . . I may go through a horrible evening because of the IV but I do end up passed out cold for the whole night and wake up feeling really good, not tired tons of energy the next day and I feel that good for the next 1.5-2 weeks before my iron stores drop low again.
I just get really depressed at knowing how horrible I'm about to feel and I feel like I'm cornered because there's no other option but to go through with it. Taking iron supplements is out of the question for me, we've tried that route MANY times over and I never drop low enough on my iron stores to be able to take the Arynesp that they give chemo patients to bring their iron up.
Sorry to whine I just really don't know anyone that understands being stuck doing something you have to do that's completely not what you want to do any better than people with UC that often have to put up with vile things just to survive and hopefully progress towards remission.
Thanks for listening