Hi Bob! Nice to meet you, and I'm sorry to hear about
your recent troubles. I will definitely be saying a prayer for you and your leg and your awful-sounding flare.
I'm kinda new to the forum. My name is Katie and I'm a wife and stay-at-home mom to a beautiful 2-year-old son in the suburbs of Chicago. I used to be a project manager for a big insurance company. Leaving my job to raise my son was an (added) blessing in disguise, because I would have had to leave my job anyway after being diagnosed with ulcerative proctitis in January '08. At first it wasn't terrible but has progressively gotten quite bad.
I've tried lots of meds (check out my signature), but I'm convinced that my healing will come through a more natural course. I truly believe that one's diet and lifestyle can heal him/her, but I've yet to find the right combination (or missing elements) of foods and my stress levels are quite high. I think its a matter of time and trial and error.
I did try a book that gave me quite a bit of success - "The Self-Help Way to Treat Colitis and Other IBS Conditions" by DeLamar Gibbons. It eliminated several kinds of sugar and wheat bran fiber, and after two weeks I was feeling TONS better physically-speaking, but mentally I was a wreck. Cutting out all that sugar left me very moody and unhappy, so I'm putting that diet on the backburner as a last resort. Right now I'm trying the sunflower seed thing that everyone's been talking about
. I just started tonight, so I'll let everyone know how it goes in a while.
I've had a terrible time adjusting to all the foods I've had to cut out. I'm a huge foodie who LOVES to cook and entertain, so its just killing me not to eat my favorite foods. The idea of never eating BBQ ribs again is enough to make me hang myself (I'm kidding, but barely).
So that's me. Its been nice hearing everyone's story, so thanks for posting your request for an update on the group. Keep in touch and let us know how things progress with your leg and flare. Best wishes for a fast recovery!