I would question the documentation from 1983..mistakes are always made in biopsies.
I'm not saying never...but if rare is rare...I'd say that most who believe they have both probably don't based on misdiagnosis or misunderstanding of terms. It sounds realllly good go say I don't have one but both.
Especially since the term colitis to many means UC.
Terri...I've read that the amount of bleeding seems to be more with UC than CD...it could have something to do with where one's CD is compared to others...and what amount/depth of the colon wall is affected.
Something to clear up with the doc.
Fistulas have been associated with non-CD patients as well as CD...Snce there is a form of CD called fistuising CD I would think it could be a determining factor..one of a list of criteria..
p4....interesting link: