I got diagnosed with U/C almost 4 years ago..... Well, this last June, my husband started having abdominal pain and constipation. He went to his GP who prescribed him a laxative and sent him home. He took the laxative and it had no effect on his problem. So he went back to the dr because his pain was getting worse and they ordered a CT scan... The scan came back positive for Diverticulitis.. So, his GP (who should have referred him IMMEDIATLY to a GI) prescribed Cipro for 7 days.. He took it perfectly, felt better and 4 days later after stopping the antibiotics the pain and constipation came back, but worse... So he called his GP who again prescribed him Cipro for 10 days this time.. He again took the meds perfectly and this time felt better for about
10 days. Then WHAMO, the pain came back and was really bad, so his GP finally referred him to a GI.... (GOOD CALL).. So he went to see the GI and got prescribed Cipro AND Flagyl and was to take them both for 14 days.... Once again, he did the meds perfectly, even though they made him nauseas the entire time he was on them and this time it was only 3 days and the pain came back and was so severe he made me take him up to the E.R..... While there, they gave him diluadid (sp) for pain and he felt better so they sent him home.... All was well until the very next night in the middle of the night(about
2am tuesday)... He woke up around midnight and started having to go poopie.... They were very smalll pieces and black in color, he was in INTENSE pain and began to vomit about
every 5 minutes.... This went on for almost 2 hours, him sitting on the pot and leaning over into the bathtub to vomit.. At about
3am, when he could hardly walk, I finally called 911 and had him taken back to the E.R... Once there, they gave him anti nausea meds and they really helped and he stopped vomiting. They gave him pain meds and got him stable and admitted him... That morning the told us he was scheduled for a colonoscopy Wednesday am (this morning).. The procedure went well and they found his sigmoid colon full of ulcers and very red and irritated. The rest of his colon looked ok but they did random biopsies to rule out crohns disease. So it looks like he has U/C and the put him on Prednisone and Asacol.... He takes the pred for 5 days then stops, but stays on Asacol, 2 pills 3x daily.... I am wondering if taking 50mg of pred for 5 days then stopping without tapering is ok???? Seems to me he should taper off due to the fact that he was violently ill....
Anyhow.. this is too weird.. we have the same disease now and are both flaring at the same time!!!