Hey all,
My name is Sven, Im a 23 year old law student from Melbourne, Australia. I had my tonsils removed on the 20th, and it is now the 26th. I had them removed after years of chronic tonsillitis, and even though it is slightly painful, it is well worth it. I had a very good doctor but after spending a long time trying to find information online about
adult tonsillectomy I found this little gold mine, which has helped a lot, so I thought I would put in my two cents worth.
The day before the op I cleaned everywhere, and made sure my bed linen was clean, and that everything I possibly needed was next to my bed. laptop, meds etc. (you wont feel like doing much for a week after) I also went on a massive spree at the supermarket for all soft foods. Jelly (jello for the US), hydrating sports drinks in cordial form, smoothies, custards, sorberts, soups, mac and cheese, soft small 2 minute noodles, icy poles, and plenty of vegetables to mash and have with gravy. I also took vitamin c tablets to replace the lack of fruit in my diet, as the acidic fruit will be really painful to eat, but vit c helps a lot with healing. I also had to fast for 12 hours prior to surgery. I live by myself and managed just fine, but I have a sister living not far away, who also drove me to and from the hospital. You will need someone on call for you. No dairy for the first 24 hours, it leaves a film in your throat that the wound does not like.
Pain management:
The pain wasnt as bad as some of the horror stories I have read, but if not managed it can get the better of you. Stay really regular with your medication, I have to take mine every 4 hours, and I regret it if I miss one dose. I spent the first 4 days pretty much just in bed, watching tv shows. Thats mostly because the general anesthetic knocks you around a fair bit. After that Im mobile but have preferred to stay indoors where its warm and comfy. (with a good internet connection :-D) I have been doing uni work, but only because I have to, but the point being I am able to it and am not crippled with pain. I was prescribed a set of antibiotics, 1 tablet twice a day, and panadiene forte, a pain killer, 1-2 tablets every four hours or as needed. This has codiene in it and makes you sleepy, so I found i was more awake and more pain free if I took 1 forte with 2 panadol (a supermarket pain killer in Aus) every four hours. The Doc told me to do this. DONT TAKE ANY ASPIRIN OR ANYTHING TO THIN YOUR BLOOD. Bleeding is a major concern in adults.
Day 6 and 7 are the most painful as thats when the 'scab' starts to fall away, leaving a sore dry tonsil bed. It helps a lot to drink HEAPS of water. I always have a bottle with me. The doc also gave me some DIFLAM. Its an anesthetic throat gargle. Its great. During this period of 'shedding' I would gargle when it got too painful, and rinse with water. it would loosen up the dry bits and flush them out, allowing my throat to feel less constricted and numbing the pain. Hurt like a b***h while I was gargling though, but worth it.
During this time I also was lucky enough to have some valium which I got from a holiday to Thailand, which helped me sleep, as night time is painful because you are alseep and arent hydrating your throat. You always hurt when you wake up until the meds set in.
After day 4 I also used
no reference of this is allowed per forum rules for pain relief.
On day two I had some soft toast with soup and started bleeding. I bled for 5-10 minutes, coughing up blood in my bathroom sink. I actually got really scared and light headed (I have never fainted before). For a second I thought I was going to bleed out on my bathroom floor. This is why its VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE SOMEONE ON STANDBY. Thankfully the bleeding slowed after 5 minutes. If you start bleeding and it doesnt slow after 5 mins, GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. Bleeding out is a big risk in adults. Which is why its so important to rest and take it easy on your throat until you are healed. NO SMOKING, NO DRINKING (alcohol), NO BLOOD THINNERS, SERIOUSLY. The ordeal really terrified me.
The wound:
I have two GIANT holes where my tonsils used to be. But I have been told, the human body being as amazing as it is, that these will disappear with time. The yellow 'scab' is normal, but shouldnt smell, and isnt gross at all. Think of it as natures band-aid. I only ever noticed bits coming off when I gargled or brushed my teeth, its too swollen to actually feel them on the back of your throat, you really dont notice it.
I took two weeks off work and school. And I think I'll need all of it before im 100% again, but everyone keeps telling me it gets a lot better after day 7-8. Im on day 6 now and I know that Im no where near eating solid foods again. But saying that, I havent gone hungry at all. And once I learnt to manage my pain (everyone is different) its actually kind of nice to be forced to have two weeks to just sit and relax.
Even with the pain, its worth it! Hope this helps and that I didnt babble on too much. Best of luck!
Post Edited By Moderator (Red_34) : 5/25/2011 7:04:59 PM (GMT-6)