My son is only 4 and was just diagnosed with colitis we just got home from the hospital a couple of days ago.
He's currently taking four medications as well as getting weaned off the steroids. But he'll be on the auto immune suppresent the rest of his life according to the doc.
He's never been in daycare much and when he did attend he was sick all the time that's originally how all this started.
So I'm sitting around trying to figure how I'm even going to let him go to school and they tell me he's not quite bad enough to be homebound, but am afraid that to much school will kick off yet another flare up and then they may tell me he has to stay home. Feel like I'm in a rock and a hard place.
I saw something on the internet called aloe elite that claims it's all natural and is made especially for colitis, that will improve his immune system, safe for kids and will help keep his body in a natural rythem.
When I called his doc she says that it's up to me but they want to suppress his immune system and that aloe may kick up another flare up.
My question is are they just trying to keep me away from a natural way to go here because they want to keep all the doc appts. going with the awful meds. for their own purposes because their the medical industry and thats how they make their money. Or are they being for real.
Can anyone give some advice on this subject? Not crazy about the medical industry and don't always have faith in them, although they did get him out of the hosp. quicker then they said they could. Course I think God had a hand in that even more than them cause they said that he'd be in there at least a month.
So in my head I give the credit to the man upstairs for his quick release. There were many times I hit the hosp. floor in prayer for my son and I can't help but believe he answered, they even said it was one of the quickest recoveries after such a long time with the diarrhea( that they took forever figuring out by the way.)
Any theories out there on this Aloe Elite?
Thanks, D