I went to the docs yesterday for this horrible tiredness that I have been experiencing. She took a ton of bloodwork to check my thyroid, B12 and folic acid, calcium and CBC. So I've been reading and I noticed that PPI's can inhibit the production of B12 in some people. I've been on a PPI now for almost 2 years now. I haven't got the test results back yet but if it comes back as a B12 defiency, does that mean that I am always going to have that defiency if I am on a PPI? I'm jumping the gun a bit because I don't even know if the blood tests will show anything but I was just thinking about
it and got curious to see how many others have had that defiency while being on a PPI.
Oh and off the topic of the post, my primary doc prescribed me a little bit weaker dose of steroid cream for my face rash. I was on a strong one because my rash wasn't responding to anything else. But what she told me about long term steroid creams sort of scared me. She said that long term steroid cream usage can cause the skin on the face to atrophy. Now I am not a very vain person but to think that the skin can do that had me a bit freaked! She (and I) feel that I keep getting these rashes from me starting on 6mp because I never got a rash before starting it. So she wants me to ask my GI if being on 6mp is even worth it. Especially since I can not get to the therepeudic (sp?) level since my body can't metabolize it correctly. So she wants me to talk to him and weigh the pros and cons of me stopping 6mp. I feel that 6mp is marginally controlling my UC but I am not sure if I am willing to stop it yet since it IS keeping me out of severe flares and then on the other hand, I'm afraid of these rashes and the long term steroid cream usage warnings. What would you do????