Your post made my heart break for you. I am just a few years older than you and have also gone through terrible flares over the past 3 years that I've been diagnosed. One of which put me in the hospital for 4 days and the other led me down the path of exploring j pouch surgery as I didn't think Remicade was working after being on it for 4 months. My dr. and I increased the dose of remicade and it worked wonders. Have you, in your immense discomfort, considered remicade or J-pouch surgery to put the pain you deal with from UC behind you? I'm asking because I have also been through so much with this disease (and don't even experience the pain you do) and at your young age you should be able to be enjoying your life rather than being trapped by this horrible disease.
I wish you all the best!
kazygirl said...
i am soooooooooo jealous of all of you.
i have sooooooooo much pain it just ruins me.
i have to take half and endone (oxycontin) every 4 hours to manage.
it is a severe cramping in my guts that just goes and goes and goes and doesnt stop.
when on the toilet, it hurts so bad i sound like im having a baby, i have to have plastic bags with me cuz i involuntarily puke from the pain.
i hate it. i cant get away from it. i walk hunched over and im always grimacing (attractive i know).
it wears me out.
i still go out everyday and walk and shop and eat out and do things cuz i refuse to be bed ridden again. i just strategically know the exact latitude and longitude location of every single toilet on the gold coast.
i just wish they had handle bars on the toilets!