Hi All,
The Valtrex seemed to work....for a while, not it stopped.
I think I have inflammation further up than my colon even though I was tested for Chrons it came back negative. I have a call into my GI about this. What would they prescribe for inflammation in the gut? I know I can't take Advil, that's a NO, NO, but whatelse could they give me?
Even when I'm on the sulfasaldine, the blood stops, but it doesn't stop the inflammation. It seems to be higher up in my gut.
I'm going on vacation in a coulple weeks to paradise, and frankly, I'm not looking foward to it, if I feel this way.
I constantly have diareeah, but it's the inflammation all the way from the minute food leaves my stomach.
What can I suggest to the GI or what can I ask her.
Please help, b/c I want to feel 1/2 way decent to travel.
Thanks everyone. You know I'm always trying to find the cause, now I just want relief with the symptoms for awhile. Blessings. Linda