Hi All,
Just wanted to post an update. I've been doing this diet since 9/31/08, and I am now off all meds - just treating with this diet and low-residue diet. I am nearly in remission, but I keep having little blips here and there. Not nearly enough to require meds, but I'm just not total remission. Anyways, I though I was doing well enough to go off the low-residue part of my diet, so I started using corn tortillas on my spinach quesadillas for a few days (instead of flour tortillas). Big mistake. I started having lots of gurgling and gas (of the very stinky variety), and then today I started having some painful diarrhea. Needless to say, no more corn tortillas - or any corn for that matter - for me.
I have a feeling high residue foods will always be an issue for me now (just as milk is). Oh well. Compared to what I was going through before this diet, I can handle some minor food avoidances.
Hope the rest of you are starting this new year with good health and happiness.
EDIT: I'm off Zoloft - I don't know why my sig didn't update...